Begin with a stir fry mix of garlic, onions, red and green bell peppers, celery, carrots and jalapeno peppers. I use a mandolin slicer to create a waffle cut and ensure uniform sizing.
A closer view to show the beautiful color combination and to make you hungry!
I add a can of black beans (rinsed) and garbanzo beans to the medley.
You can nearly taste the flavor in this close up shot!
Add a can of tomatoes and some spices. I use chili powder, cayenne pepper, sea salt and white pepper. ( I don't care for the look of black pepper in my food :-)
Simmering away you can see the health benefits of this meal!
At first glance you may think I added some sort of noodles, but this is actually finely julienned zucchini.
The close up view reveals some of the green on the edges of the zuchinni.
This part takes some time. I roll a heaping amount of the filling into a large tortilla wrap and make them "just fit" into a baking dish. I found if they are loose in the dish everything spills out and makes a mess. Probably real cooks would know this but I learned the hard way! I bake it in a 350 degree oven until thouroughly warmed throughout about 20 minutes.
Well I didn't get the shot before the hungry family dug in! I add a generous portion of mozarella cheese to the top and let bake for about five minutes until the cheese melts and turns a golden color. There were two dishes of this but as you can see not for long!

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